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Goal and Purpose

They are trips that take place in the middle of nature, places of refuge "beehives", sustainable and magical in the world, where you will live a "unique life experience that will accompany you forever".
In them, you will find the time and space for yourself that you need and long for, you will learn to take care of yourself, to be your priority, to love yourself, to heal your wounds in this way, to strengthen and develop your "creative capacity and connect with yourself".
You will develop your feminine (creative) side to strengthen and integrate it with your masculine (rational) side, balancing and creating harmony and peace.
You will return to your "childish" interior, feel free and enjoy sharing this experience with others.

You will feel "NOW IT IS YOUR TURN", which is your moment!


It consists of its own method based on the development of creative capacity.
Doing it in four areas: Holistic, quantum, artistic and artisan. They are all connected following an order through a common thread. Each of these areas will lead us to our purpose. We work in the overall vision, in perfect harmony and synchrony.

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Social Commitment

We are committed to "women, children and bees", essential for the survival of humanity, we work for a more equitable and sustainable world.

We support locally where we hold our retreats for women who carry out artistic and artisan work,
adding value and visibility to their job.

In our online shop, we select items made by them and a percentage of the sales obtained
go to supporting their work.

We also offer training to women with few resources who want to become beekeepers so that they can have the opportunity to
learn this trade which is so necessary and helps them to be self-sufficien

The children of these future beekeepers women and the boys and girls found in these places, also have the
opportunity to receive training on how bees live and work and of their importance for life, for our food and daily sustenance.
We have in project the creation of a foundation or the collaboration with different foundations to support the development of
creative talent for children and adolescents in these places.

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Trips and Experiencies Testimonies

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