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About us

We are in a "hive mode" community, working in "feminine" by and for the development of the creative capacity of adults and children.

A multidisciplinary team where each one has a role and specific task developed in "unity".
There is a fixed operating team, professionals in each area
that are taking part according to the retreat and the objetive

of each of them, always integrating local artists and artisans.

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History & Essence

THEHIVE was born on March 13th, 2020, after a long time
of maturation and whose purpose is to "awaken" the innate creativity
of people, developing the feminine side.
It has a lot to do with the life experience of the founder, Justa
, who still feels like a "girl" where the game, the spontaneity
and enthusiasm have turned out to be pillars for the development of her
creativity by virtue of what she has been able to "recognize her essence, her
BEING” and her path to create her reality, THEHIVE.

The Founder

Talking about Justa Guillén is talking about a woman who has been in the world of fashion and luxury more than 35 years. Countries like Spain, Denmark and the United States have witnessed her training and work. A career always guided by a common thread that has its
origin in art and creativity, and whose destination today is THEHIVE

Justa Guillén has a mixture of creativity and management. Two aspects that
may sound opposite, but are closely related to each other and have led to THEHIVE: 

“Here I can capture my life experience, my passion for
creativity, artistic disciplines, the value of craftsmanship, handmade with care and affection. 
My love for nature, what is natural without additives, natural healing and spiritual connection”

If we talked about fashion in Spain we would have to jump to the 80´s.

Is precisely in those years of maximum creativity in the country when Justa Guillén began
to work in fashion, either as a creative director for brands like Solido. or designing for other brands.

I wanted to go a step beyond designing and I wanted to see the world
of personal image, that's why I decided to travel to the United States, specifically
to New York and Los Angeles to find out.

Like many other fashion experts, she studied a Masters in Image Consulting at the
prestigious Parsons School of Design. This was a concept that did not exist in Spain in those
years thus she learned that it was a way of understanding sales in another way, simply
covering all customer needs and at their service.
Later, Justa traveled to Barcelona, ​​the city of design for excellence, and from there
she settled in Copenhagen, where she organized private Spanish fashion showrooms.

The product and personalization would no longer be separated from the Justa Guillén`s work.
Luxury brands took notice of her, the first was Loewe, followed by Dior, La Perla and
Omega, but Justa continued in search of new horizons combining work
made for these brands with private sales for most international luxury brands,

something in which she continues to specialize.

In 2013 she founded "QBe-e" ("Queen of the bees"), an accessories textile and sustainable

brand, hand made by local artisans, origin of the raw material and which is currently the
THEHIVE online shop. Born and inspired in Spain but with a global focus
and that has been the seed of this new project that came into existence in March 2020.

From luxury, exclusivity, knowing the client, design, innovation,
creativity, passion for art, nature, holistic-quantum therapies,
healing and natural nutrition
 could not result in a different project but one that

 contributes so much to humanity: THEHIVE

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Meet the Team

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